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P o r t f o l i o   R e vi e w s   &   C o n s u l t a t i o n s


We provide a range of reviews and consultations designed to enhance your work and improve your long-term prospects.

They are as follows: 




Editorial Reviews:

1) Individual editorial review via written document:

Our editorial team will have a look at your editorial and give their constructive criticism (what could have been better, what is good about the editorial, what should be changed in the retouching etc.). The review will be presented in the form of a document. This is one-way review, there is no opportunity for you to ask your own questions about the editorial and have them answered

Price: USD90.00

2) Individual editorial review via video call (or email correspondence as an alternative):

This is for a more personal experience via video call, and allows for some questions to be made should you have any about what has been said about your editorial.


Our editorial team will have a look at your editorial and give their constructive criticism (what could have been better, what is good about the editorial, what should be changed in the retouching etc.). The review will be presented in the form of a document. You will then be given a few days to think everything through and come up with any questions about the review. The review process will end with a video call with our Editor, where you will be able to ask your questions and personally go through the editorial with him. This type of editorial review allows for a more conversational style and gives you a chance to argue/defend your own opinion against any points that may be made by the reviewer and also allow you to ask for further explanation if you do

not understand something that has been said.

If you are unable or unwilling to do this via a video call, we can do it via email

correspondence instead.

Price: USD140.00

Portfolio Reviews:

1) Small portfolio review: Up to 20 photos:

Our editorial team will come together and look through your portfolio and give their opinions on your photos and what could be improved. The review will be presented in a document.

Price: USD380.00

2) Small portfolio review: Up to 20 photos + a video call with our Editor

Our editorial team will come together and look through your portfolio and give their opinions on your photos and what could be improved. This will be handed to you in a document, and you will be given a few days to process the review and come up with any questions. You will then have a video call with our Editor where you can ask him the questions you came up with and you can both discuss the review together.

Price: USD500.00

3) Medium portfolio review: 21 - 40 photos

Our editorial team will come together and look through your portfolio and give their opinions on your photos and what could be improved. The review will be presented in a document.

Price: USD540.00

4) Medium portfolio review: 21 - 40 photos + a video call with our Editor

Our editorial team will come together and look through your portfolio and give their opinions on your photos and what could be improved. This will be handed to you in a document, and you will be given a few days to process the review and come up with any questions. You will then have a video call with our Editor where you can ask him the questions you came up with and you can both discuss the review together.

Price: USD740.00

5) Large portfolio review: 51 - 100 photos

Our editorial team will come together and look through your portfolio and give their opinions on your photos and what could be improved. The review will be presented in a document.

Price: USD840.00

6) Large portfolio review: 51 - 100 photos + a video call with our Editor

Our editorial team will come together and look through your portfolio and give their opinions on your photos and what could be improved. This will be handed to you in a document, and you will be given a few days to process the review and come up with any questions. You will then have a video call with our Editor where you can ask him the questions you came up with and you can both discuss the review together.

Price: USD1140.00


Consultations & Photographer Reviews

1) Consultation - How to set yourself up to be the best editorial photographer you can be and shoot for the best magazines.

Our Editor will talk to you about what is expected of an editorial, and what exactly makes a good editorial in detail. He will discuss all important aspects from pre-production all the way through to the retouching of the photos. He will make you aware of what is expected, what to avoid, tips for photo compositions for magazines, etc. 


This is an invaluable resource when it comes to the creation and execution of an editorial, as the things you will learn from his consultation will not only be of incredible help but will act as a shortcut and a time saver. Saving you years of hard work and mistakes made along the way. This is not just a presentation though, you will have ample opportunity to ask him your own questions and have them answered, and there will be plenty of room for discussion.Implementing what our Editor says will enable you to be regularly published by the best magazines & publications.

This should be seen as an investment to help you have long term success in the editorial field. The price of the consultation is a fraction of a professional camera and kit, but if you take on our Editor’s advice and stick to it, it will be much more valuable and serve you better long term.

Price: USD1300.00  

(This can be paid in up to 3 instalments, if an agreement can be reached between both parties)

2) Photographer review

This is where we look at your work, you as a photographer, and how you operate.


We review your portfolio, but also look how you present yourself and your work to the world. This includes looking at your website, social media, how you write and present emails, how you approach potential clients. All of this will be reviewed and you will be given advice on how to improve on various aspects of your photography and how you acquire work.

Our Editor will talk to you about what is expected of an editorial, and what exactly makes a good editorial in detail. He will discuss all important aspects from pre-production all the way through to the retouching of the photos. He will make you aware of what is expected, what to avoid, tips for photo compositions for magazines, etc. Many of these tips can be applied to commercial work, but he will point out any major difference.

The goal is to help you to be published in the best magazines and work for the best clients.

The price may seem steep, however this is one off review should be seen as an investment for the long term, as this is will enable you to get better and higher paying clients, and be published in the best magazines. This should be seen as an equal or better investment as a new camera or new studio equipment, as the valuable information you learn from the review will serve you for the rest of your career. It could be life changing.

Price: USD1600.00

(This can be paid for in up to 3 instalments, however the review will only be given once the final payment has been received, or a deal can be agreed upon where a portion of the review can be given with every


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